Master Index of Topics

The Good Life
Starting Small
The Kingdom of God
Spiritual Formation
- What is spiritual formation?
- Spiritual formation is learning to love
- Where am I now? What is my destination? How do I get there?
- Life hacks are not enough
- Spiritual formation is a light switch
- The forgotten half of spiritual formation
- How to overcome fear
Practicing the Presence of God
Reading and Listening to Scripture
Book of Common Prayer
- How to use the Book of Common Prayer for daily devotions
- Breathe new life into your devotions with the Book of Common Prayer
- Let us pray with one heart and mind
- O Lord, open our lips (and our mouth shall proclaim your praise)
- Willpower and the spiritual disciplines
- A brief theology of willpower for spiritual formation
- Willpower is like a muscle: increase willpower by exercising it
- Three options and one non-option for a boost in mid-day energy
- Need a burst of energy? Do the dishes!
- Care and feeding of the good life
Christian Year
- Living in beautiful time: an introduction to the Christian Year
- Living the life of Jesus: the seasons of the Christian Year
- Waiting for the promise: a short introduction to Advent
- Dwelling deeply with Scripture during Advent
- 10 ways to celebrate Advent this season
- A little guide to finding peace amidst the holiday rush
- The coming of Christmas
- How to celebrate Christmas after Christmas Day
- Take up your cross: a short introduction to Lent
- How to choose what to give up for Lent
- Lent is crowd-sourced training and encouragement for taking up our cross