To use the Book of Common Prayer is not only to pray what's on our hearts, but to be shaped by how and what we pray. With...
The Christian Year is a rich resource for spiritual formation. Here's a brief introduction to the seasons of the Christian Year and how they fit together to...
A short guide on how to begin using the Book of Common Prayer for your daily devotions, with options for beginners, seasoned prayer warriors, and would-be monks.
We all experience seasons of dryness in our devotions. The Book of Common Prayer, used by Christians of all denominations for hundreds of years, can help breathe...
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Jesus opened up for us a glorious new life in what he called the "kingdom of God", a restored life together with God and with others that is marked by joy and peace, power and purpose—the kind of life all of us were meant for from the beginning.
The Regnare Project is about how to put into practice all that we are learning from Jesus about living this glorious good life of the kingdom, right in the middle of the life we're already living:
- • How do we fall in love with the God Jesus knows?
- • How do we abide moment by moment in the presence, wisdom, and power of Jesus?
- • How do we order the myriad details of our "little kingdoms" toward his kingdom?
- • How do we meet the trials, challenges, and opportunities that come at us each day, seeing them as a proving ground for our faith?
Sound interesting? Learn more...